Welcome KPS

Rules & Regulations

School Timing:

9.20 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.


  1. School timing must be strictly adhered to. Application for leave duly signed by the parents must be sent to the Headmaster/class teacher.
  2. Students should come well dressed to school as per the dress regulations. It must be ensured that boys have their hair cut short.
  3. Parents are not permitted to see their wards, or class teachers, or subject teachers when classes are in progress , without the permission of the Headmaster.
  4. School property must be well looked after by the students. Any damage to school property will be liable to a fine.
  5. Students are not allowed to bring any costly items to school. The School may not be held responsible for any loss of or damage to such articles.
  6. Students are not allowed to drive scooters/motor cycles to and from school.
  7. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, pen drives, i-pods, laptops and  any other electronic items  to school.
  8. Students are required to compulsorily have at least 90% attendance.
  9. Parents should watch the progress of their wards & meet the Headmaster, the Class teacher or Subject Teacher from time to time.
  10. No re-tests or re-exams are not  taken under any circumstances.
  11. In case a child needs a half holiday/needs to go home early, the parent must come to school to collect their ward .No child will be allowed to go home alone.
  12. In case more than one day leave is required ,permission must be taken in advance from the Headmaster.